Hello, my name is

Jason Bauman.

Welcome to medium roast

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I am in the process of attempting to update the site to be cleaner and have the information I want to include. This means I installed a new theme that is filled with Lorum Ipsum. It will get better. I swear. Until then, feel free to contact me at jason (at) mediumroast (dot) dev if you have any questions.

About Me

Things I Like And You’ll Find Here


I have more than 10 years of experience in SEO, with an emphasis on Tech. Best practices, thoughts, and Python found here

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Personal Finance

If there’s one thing I care about more than font optimization on websites, it’s how to make a budget.

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Personal Thoughts

The point of this site is to give myself a place that I own online. When I have thoughts, I’ll put them here


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